In the cozy, simple year of 2013, indie-pop quintet Hot Freaks released a self-titled LP to the streets of Minneapolis. The band would see local popularity but their music would fail to reach out past the borders of Minnesota in a notable way. The LP had 10 upbeat, danceable tunes that felt both perfect for the era and timelessly fun! Two years later, in 2015, the band's frontman Leo Vondracek and guitarist Darin Dahlmeier relocated and Hot Freaks split up on good terms.

Lucky for us, years later in 2020 the band noticed numbers on their spotify raising and hitting new levels of popularity as younger audiences refound their songs "Puppy Princess" and "I Want To Be Your Boyfriend" and connected with the hopeful, pining lyrics. Excited by the increase in listeners and want for new music, the members of Hot Freaks reconnected and released "Paycheck 2 Paycheck", a b-side track from 2013 and, soon after, their first NEW single, "Lovely"!


I first found Hot Freaks in 2016 through their song Outset Island- I was shocked to find that the band had split just a year prior! The upbeat melancholy music connected with my sorta-angsty preteen personality, and they quickly became a cherished SoundCloud gem. going back to 2020, them resurfacing was bittersweet with extra sweetness! While i was hit with waves of people insisting the vocals were annoying or the lyrics weak, i felt so much joy seeing the Band i had briefly adored when i was younger FINALLY receiving a big break and releasing new music! and GOOD new music as well, Lovely holds up just as amazing as any song off their original LP <3